Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our Magazine Party!

The coolest party in the history of the world!!!
Parents came!
Issue #2!!
My friends came!
My friend Sarah with my magazine!
We had a fun raffle!
Me with the magazine!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

new body new you

heres so tips to eating well
  1. eat yogurt every day
  2. eat frozen yogurt insted of ice cream
  3. drink water insted of soda
  4. you should eat fruit saleds for desert
  5. try to eat alot of vegatebles

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


stardoll.com is where I get my celebrity pictures.I think you should check it out!

Hi! Welcome to Passionista Magazine online!

Hello and welcome to my website! I hope you enjoy my website. Read all about my magazine and much more!
